
Photo of myself

I'm Terin Stock, otherwise known as terinjokes, a Software Developer. I'm located in-between the canals of Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Feel free to get in touch. I'd love to hear from you!

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Portage + ORAS: Using a Docker Registry for Gentoo Packages

4 Sep, 2024 - 5 minutes
You didn't think I had a Type R or '86 did you? Portage is Gentoo’s source-based package manager, commonly invoked with the emerge tool. The Prefix project allows it to be used by users of other distributions and Unix-like operating systems in a “virtualenv”-type fashion. In Portage, packages are described in ebuilds, which are composed of shell functions understandable by many Linux users. This makes it a good fit for sharing packages across distributions and users working on a project.

When Serial Isn't RS-232, and Geocaching with the Garmin GPS 95

11 Aug, 2024 - 6 minutes
Found the first Dutch Geocache, Amsterdam Urban 1. Recently I picked up a box of early 1990s Garmin GPS receivers along with an array of accessories. I cleaned up one receiver, a GPS 95, installed 4 new AA batteries, and positioned it with a clear view of the sky. After an agonizing long time searching for satellites it eventually received a full almanac and made a GPS lock. It was pretty cool that it still works!

A modern, universal, Dreamcast power supply

9 Jun, 2024 - 3 minutes
I have fond memories of playing the Dreamcast growing up, of many hours trying to figure out Ecco the Dolphin in the days before ubiquitous home internet. A few years ago I picked up a Dreamcast and installed an optical disc emulator (ODE), and had a good time revisiting old games from my childhood. As a huge fan of Jet Set Radio Future on the original Xbox, it was fun to play Jet Grind Radio for the first time.